Title(s) AKA: Phone
Film Director(s): Ahn Byeong-Gi
Released: 2002 [Korea]
Genre: Horror
Sub-Genre: Suspense
Ji-won (Hi Ji-wan) a magazine journalist is threatened for taking part in an investigation into a scandal and forced to change to a new phone number. Yet even more terrible things happen. Her phone rings with mysterious messages. Young-joo (Eun Su-woo), the young daughter of her friend Ho-Jeong, acts strangely and tries to kill her mum after she accidentally answers a dreadful call. When Ji-won tracks down the previous users of this phone number, she discovers that all of them have died a horrible death...Who makes all these phone calls? Who's the targeted receiver? The chase is on and the clock is ticking when the deadly curse is wildly spreading...
Ha Ji-Won, Kim Yu-Mi, Choi Wu-Je, Choi Je-Yeon, Eon Seo-Woo. . .
taken from: http://www.hkflix.com/xq/asp/filmID.527035/qx/details.htm
this film makes me shiver, the shock parts is normal... its the way the small ger ger acts that is so terrifying man... she can win best young actress liao with tt kind of expressions which would have put the dolly chucky to shame...
3 1/2 out of 5 snoopys (i cant make up my mind between a 3 and a 4)
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