Title: Elephant (2003)
Director: Gus Van Sant
Genre: Drama (more)
An ordinary high school day. Except that it's not.
Plot Outline:
A violent incident rocks the students and faculty at a high school in Portland, Oregon.
Alex Frost .... Alex
Eric Deulen .... Eric
John Robinson .... John McFarland
Elias McConnell .... Elias
Jordan Taylor .... Jordan
Carrie Finklea .... Carrie
Nicole George .... Nicole
Brittany Mountain .... Brittany
Alicia Miles .... Acadia
Kristen Hicks .... Michelle
Bennie Dixon .... Benny
Nathan Tyson .... Nathan
Timothy Bottoms .... Mr. McFarland
Matt Malloy .... Mr. Luce
Ellis Williams .... GSA Teacher (as Ellis E. Williams)
taken from: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0363589/
it should be titled the calm before the storm... i didnt know what has the word elephant has to do with this film until i saw this "The title of which comes from the writer Bernard MacLaverty, who said that the Troubles were like having an elephant in your living room."... which means one of the obvious but not dealt with problem...
if you can sit thru the first 50 mins of the show without fallin asleep, you will be rewarded with what is going to happen after that... the first 50 mins is really about a normal school day, plenty of gossip here and there which sounds pretty boring to any stranger...
3 out of 5 snoopys
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