Title: Face
Film Director(s): Yu Sang-Gon (Yoo Sang-Gon)
Film Producer(s): Chung Tae-Won
Released: 2004 [Korea]
Genre: Horror
Sub-Genre: Thriller
The dead wants the world to know who they were. Its body melted down, a skull is found by the river. It's the fourth skull. There are no other ways to identify the victim but face reconstruction. However, Hyun-min (SHIN Hyun-jun), a face reconstruction specialist at National Institute of Scientific Investigation, decides the leave the Institute. To him, saving his daughter who gets sicker by the day is more important. One day, a researcher named Sun-young (SONG Yoon-ah) shows up at his doorstep with the forth skull. However, Hyun-min refuses to take the job.
Against Hyun-min's refusal to take the job, Sun-young disappears leaving the skull behind in his house. Oddly enough, with the skull's arrival, Hyun-min begins to suffer from nightmares and illusions. In the meantime, the police find out that all the victims had a unique body composition called Beta-allergy, and the murders were associated with heart transplants. Hyun-min realizes that his daughter's transplanted heart comes from one of the victims and begins to work on the fourth skull. With Sun-young's help, he finally reconstructs the skull. However, as the victim's identity is known, he falls into a deeper world of nightmares and illusions.
There is another dead body...
Cast: Shin Hyun-Jun, Song Yoon-Ah, Kim Seung-Wook, Ahn Suk-Hwan. . .
a better horror movie than that unborn but forgotten... few gd scares, reach climax liao i also dunoo
3 out of 5 snoopys
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