Title: Monster (2003)
Director: Patty Jenkins
Plot Outline: Based on the life of Aileen Wuornos, a Daytona Beach prostitute who became a serial killer
Cast overview, first billed only:
Charlize Theron .... Aileen
Christina Ricci .... Selby
Bruce Dern .... Thomas
Lee Tergesen .... Vincent Corey
Annie Corley .... Donna
Pruitt Taylor Vince .... Gene/Stuttering "John"
Marco St. John .... Evan/Undercover "John"
Marc Macaulay .... Will/Daddy "John"
Scott Wilson .... Horton/Last "John"
Rus Blackwell .... Cop
Tim Ware .... Chuck
Stephan Jones .... Lawyer
Brett Rice .... Charles
Kaitlin Riley .... Teenage Aileen
Cree Ivey .... 7-Year-Old Aileen
another one of those movies when doing bad things is the right thing to do... and what the heck would a prostitute wanna go les for anyway...
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