Title(s) AKA: Arahan; Arahat
Film Director(s): Ryu Seung-Wan (Ryoo Seung-Wan)
Film Producer(s): Kim Mi-Hee
Released: 2004 [Korea]
Genre: Action/Adventure
Sub-Genre: Comedy
2004 A.D. In the midst of Seoul, where high-resolution camera phones, MP3s, digital cameras, Pentium 4 computers, X-game and internet chatting are the big issues for its young population... The window-cleaners who calmly carry on their job, dangling thousands of feet above the ground... The wrinkled grannies on the street who handle heavy satchels as if they were air-filled balloons... What if these are the "masters" of the secret disciplines of the East, preserving the peace of our world without our knowledge?
Sang-hwan became a cop out of his naive desire to bring justice to those who take unfair advantage of their strengths... But the tough reality is that even local gangsters can beat him up... One day, he suddenly encounters a group of strangers... "You are destined to become Maruchi! We will teach you how to shoot ch'i energy from your palms, too. Really!" They are known as the Seven Masters... Thus Sang-hwan is paired with his partner-to-be, Eui-jin, who is destined to become Arachi.
Sang-hwan of course thinks they are pulling his leg, but Eui-jin is cute, so maybe he should go along... But when will I learn palm-wind and levitation techniques? All I ever get to do is clean the house! Meanwhile, the Master of Absolute Evil HeugUn (Dark Cloud) has freed himself from his imprisonment, after being sealed in by the Seven Masters. Only Maruchi can prevent HeugUn (Dark Cloud) from plunging the world into dark chaos!
Can Sang-hwan be reborn as Maruchi and combine his forces with Arachi in time to defeat HeugUn (Dark Cloud) and restore the peaceful flow of ch'i to the world?
Ryoo Seung-Bum (Ryu Seung-Bum), Yun Soy, Ahn Sung-Ki, Jung Doo-Hong. . .
it has been a long time since i have seen effects that actually look realistic enough... this is one worth taking notice of...
3 out of 5 snoopys
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