Title: The Big Swindle
Film Director(s): Choi Dong-Hun
Released: 2004 [Korea]
Genre: Comedy
Sub-Genre: Crime
A gang is scattered and on the run after their foolproof bank scam goes awry. Two of the five members are killed or caught. And little by little, the story behind the big swindle and the whereabouts of the other swindlers come to light.
Cast: Park Shin-Yang, Yeom Jeong-A, Baek Yun-Sik. .
taken from: http://www.hkflix.com/xq/asp/filmID.531434/qx/details.htm
think of it as a ocean eleven film with many twists around it... 5 ppl form a team to con a bank... the show revolves around the aftermath --- the police wants to catch all 5 of them and the 5 of them are backstabbing each other wanting to keep the money to themselves... a very nice movie becos u would never expect the twist unless u are really that damn smart... by the way, the actress is veri gd! shes the one who is the stepmother in tale of 2 sisters...
4 out of 5 snoopys
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