Title: Alive (2002)
Directed: Ryuhei Kitamura
Genre: Action / Sci-Fi
Hideo Sakaki .... Tenshu Yashiro
Ryo .... Yurika Saegusa
Koyuki .... Asuka Saegusa
Shun Sugata .... Matsuda
Erika Oda .... Misako Hara
Tak Sakaguchi .... Zeros
Jun Kunimura .... Kojima
Ryushi Mizukami .... Warden 1
Keita Kimura .... Warden 2
Minoru Aoki .... Warden 3
Boba .... Hair Cut Guard
Takanori Hamachika .... Guard 1
Makato Kitami .... Guard 2
Seki Watanabe .... Guard 3
Suenari Matsubara .... Guard 4
taken from: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0331834/
2 prisoners put together to battle it out, the winner will take the monster out of a girl's body... he will then go n fight another guy who has another monster... the aim is to create a strong fighting robot army force...
as usual, kitamura's lousy plot, dumb casting and act pro sci-fi things suck... u should check out users' ratings though, most of his films got quite high scores... really duno what is wrong wif those ang mohs... watch too much hollywood movies then never see such sci-fi before suddenly think this is a good film...
so what if they say versus is better than this... imo, both suck big time... why will anyone like versus anyway, that stupid actor act cool cmi... it has an even dumber story too...
dun watch this... if u must watch any of his films, i only recommend azumi... seriously u may try alive if u have to choose between alive, versus or sky high... all 3 sucks though...
1 out of 5 snoopys
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