Title: Go, Go, Second Time Virgin (1969)
Director: Koji Wakamatsu
Studio: Image Entertainment
Genre: Drama
Starring: Mimi Kozakura, Michio Akiyama
Director Koji Wakamatsu's intense, claustrophobic peephole into maelstrom of aberrant human behavior, Go, Go, Second Time Virgin is the story of two damned and abused teenagers who meet and fall in mutant love on a Tokyo rooftop. Their only hope is to cement their love with an escape into oblivion. Japan's most notorious underground filmmaker, Wakamatsu - a combination of Godard, Gregg Araki and Jesus Franco - has fashioned a haunting, unforgettable film.
taken from: http://www.dvdasian.com/cgi-bin/dvdasian/10917.html
shot entirely on a rooftop, no wonder the ger can be nude all the time... becos no one will bother to go up to see unless they want to dry their clothes... the boy bloody sick, see ppl kena rape enver do anything, down there watch watch... then the next day still go n ask her she likes to be raped or not... lol, anyway both the guy n the ger are weird la, singing stupid songs...
3 out of 5 snoopys
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