Title: Foolproof (2003)
Director: William Phillips
Genre: Action / Thriller
Kevin, Sam and Rob are founding members of a theoretical group which pulls off heists. Leo, a gangster, blackmails them into pulling off a real multi-million dollar heist. Now it's up to them to get out alive.
Cast overview, first billed only:
Ryan Reynolds .... Kevin
Kristin Booth .... Sam
Joris Jarsky .... Rob
Sean Sullivan .... Stan
Tara Slone .... Maggie
Soo Garay .... Hamish receptionist
William House .... Stanley O. Hamish
Wai Choy .... Harry
James Allodi .... Det. Mason
Mif .... Kenny
Duff MacDonald .... Harlon
David Suchet .... Leo Gillette
taken from: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0356614/
not a bad movie leh... duno why the rating so low... they not happy people go rob ppl for big money huh... something like oceans eleven but this is certainly much better...
4 out of 5 snoopys
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