Title: The Usual Suspects (1995)
Director: Bryan Singer
Genre: Crime / Thriller / Mystery
Police investigating an exploded boat on a San Pedro pier discover 27 bodies and $91 million worth of drug money. The only survivors are a severely burned and very scared Hungarian terrorist and Verbal Kint, a crippled con-man. Reluctantly, Kint is pressurised into explaining exactly what happened on the boat. His story begins six weeks earlier with five criminals being dragged in by New York police desperate for suspects on a hijacked truck and ends with the possible identification of a criminal mastermind.
Cast overview, first billed only:
Stephen Baldwin .... Michael McManus
Gabriel Byrne .... Dean Keaton
Benicio Del Toro .... Fred Fenster
Kevin Pollak .... Todd Hockney
Kevin Spacey .... Roger 'Verbal' Kint
Chazz Palminteri .... Dave Kujan, US Customs
Pete Postlethwaite .... Kobayashi
Suzy Amis .... Edie Finneran
Giancarlo Esposito .... Jack Baer, FBI
Dan Hedaya .... Sgt. Geoffrey 'Jeff' Rabin
taken from: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114814/
what you hear is not always what you get... nice movie about a group of criminals pulling a job off...
4 out of 5 snoopys
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