Title(s) AKA: Skyhigh
Film Director(s): Ryuhei Kitamura
Released: 2004 [Japan]
Genre: Thriller
Sub-Genre: Crime
Ryuhei Kitamura's (Versus) directs 'Sky High'. The movie is based on a late-night television series adapted from a popular horror manga serial. In the series, Yumiko Shaku stars as Izuko, the Gatekeeper at the 'Gate of Hatred' that stands at the netherworld that separates this world from the after life. She gives three choices to the dead (who are either victims of an accident or a murder) who visits her: to abandon their hatred and reach the eternal paradise; to haunt the world of the alive as a ghost; or to avenge themselves and go straight down to Hell. This movie is an excellent prequel to the series that fleshes out the story of Shaku's character who used to be an ordinary woman, and explains how she became the Gatekeeper.
Cast: Yumiko Shaku, Takao Ozawa, Shoshuke Tanihara, Hiromasa Taguchi, Eihi Shiina. . .
taken from: http://www.hkflix.com/xq/asp/filmID.530948/qx/details.htm
i see forums always got put kiyoshi kurosawa, kitano, miike, kitamura are good films... but pretty disappointing the show i see liao, the fantasy like so fake, should make like volcano high like that ma, fantasy but it absorbs u, this one doesnt and the story abit hard to believe... catn believe its the same director who did azumi, azumi is like so much better than this fake fantasy life n death thing...
2 out of 5 snoopys
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