Title: Pi (1998)
Director: Darren Aronofsky
Genre: Thriller / Sci-Fi
In Manhattan, behind six locks, lives Max Cohen, a mathematician and computer whiz. Since staring at the sun at age six, he's had terrible headaches; plus, he can't abide human contact except with an aging professor, and he's obsessed with finding numeric patterns. His current obsession is the stock market; his theories bring him to the attention of Wall Street traders. He also keeps running into Lenny, a fast-talking Hasidic who fronts for a cabal that wants to rediscover long-lost mathematical mysteries in the Torah. Neither group is benign, and they pursue Max as his hallucinations and headaches worsen. Does nature offer any solutions? Can Max find them?
Cast overview, first billed only:
Sean Gullette .... Maximillian Cohen
Mark Margolis .... Sol Robeson
Ben Shenkman .... Lenny Meyer
Pamela Hart .... Marcy Dawson
Stephen Pearlman .... Rabbi Cohen
Samia Shoaib .... Devi
Ajay Naidu .... Farroukh
Kristyn Mae-Anne Lao .... Jenna
taken from: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0138704/
u have to be weird to be able to understand what goes on in his mind, all he thinks about is numbers and the universe and the 216 digits... i dun really understand it and i dun think alot will understand what its all about...
2 out of 5 snoopys
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