Title(s) AKA: Seance(Korei)
Film Director(s): Kiyoshi Kurosawa
Film Producer(s): Takehiko Tanaka, Yasuyuki Uemura
Released: 2000 [Japan]
Genre: Horror
Sub-Genre: Thriller
A woman is trying to convince the police that she can feel dead persons presence and tell where they are but the police doubt her. When a young girl is kidnapped but manages to escape from her kidnapper, she happens to run by the psychic woman's husband who is currently recording sounds in the woods. The young girl decides to hide in his sound equipment case but things take an ugly turn when the man locks his case and heads on home, unaware of the young girl who is struggling for air in his case. When the police ask the psychic woman for help, she finds out something that she didn't want to find out, and things are just about to get even worse...
Koji Yakusho, Jun Fubuki, Ittoku Kishibe, Tsuyoshi Kusanagi, Hikari Ishida, Kitarou, Ren Osugi, Sho Aikawa, Daikei Shimizu. . .
taken from: http://www.hkflix.com/xq/asp/filmID.530938/qx/details.htm
the only thing that comes to my mind after the ending is orbi good... lol, the ger can be alive and wun kajiao them if they dun stupid stupid so greedy... end up ger die then they suay...
2 out of 5 snoopys
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