Title: H (2003)
Director: Lee Jong-Hyeok
Studio: Cinexus
Rating: 15 Up
Genre: Drama (Thriller)
A team of crime investigators headed by Kim Mi-yun (Uhm Jung-a) is summoned to a garbage dump, where a disgustingly mutilated body of a high school girl is discovered, along with a fetus removed from her body and deposited in a brown bag. Another pregnant woman is strangled to death in a bus, her belly cut open, spilling out a still-moving unborn child. They find that the modus operandi of these gruesome murders is an exact replica of the ones perpetrated in the past by the psychotic Shin Hyun (Jo Seung-woo), now a condemned inmate. The police naturally conclude that a copycat is carrying out these new murders. Detectives Kim and Kang (Chi Jin-hee), however, are convinced that Shin Hyun is somehow committing the murders without ever leaving his jail.
Definitely not for the squeamish or easily offended, Lee Jong-hyuk's H is an urban horror-thriller in the mold of Tell Me Something (1999), but also draws upon various plot devices of the Hollywood genre prototypes, such as Se7en, Jennifer 9 and Silence of the Lambs. It boasts a well-mounted production with distinctive production design and cinematography. The latter, supervised by Peter Gray and Ham Seong-won, contributes a great deal to the film's uniquely and unremittingly dark atmosphere. H unfolds in a perpetually nocturnal urban purgatory, full of empty, wet corridors, crawling with unseen evil presences, casting their shadows on grimy walls. The minimalist music score and sound design work well: most impressively in the horrific "ear-slicing" sequence. I also like the relationship among the three cops, who are all believably professional and suitably humanized: Uhm Jung-a, who played a key supporting role in Tell Me Something, proves that she can carry a film on her shoulders. I approve the fact that her Mi-yun does not even give a furtive glance to the ruggedly handsome Kang. Chi Jin-hee does not overplay his hand as an outwardly tough cop carrying with him deep psychological scars. And Seong Ji-ru as Detective Lee provides an excellent supporting performance as a crude, loud but efficient cop.
After brutally murdering six women, Shin-Hyun drags the remains to the police station and turns himself in. He is arrested and imprisoned.
One year later, three bodies are found that appear to be slain in the same style of Shin-Hyun. Two officers are assigned to the case, and decide that it must be the work of a copycat, and do not investigate any further. But when more bodies begin turning up, the pair visit Shin-Hyun to see if he can shed any light on the grisly occurrences. But their visit only leaves them more intrigued, along with the realization that the case runs much deeper than they had originally suspected.
Starring: Yeom Jeong-Ah, Ji Jin-Hee, Jo Seung-Wu
taken from: http://www.dvdasian.com/cgi-bin/dvdasian/15014.html
somewhat similiar to the cure that show... but at least this one got cool lady...
3 out of 5 snoopys
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