Title(s) AKA: Nightmare; Scissors; Gawi; Kawee ; The Horror Game Movie
Film Director(s): Byeong-ki An
Film Producer(s): Ik-sang Kim, Hyung-uk Ko
Released: 2000 [Korea]
Genre: Horror
Sub-Genre: Thriller
A Few Good Men is a group comprised of seven intimate friends who come to share one secret. Two years later, one of them suddenly dies with his eyes being pulled out. Just before his death, he desperately tries to call his friends to tell them something. But the other members think that it's just a coincidence, however, they get horrified when another one is mysteriously stabbed in her shower...
Ji-tae Yoo, Kyu-ri Kim, Ji-won Ha, Joon Chung, Jun-sang Yu, Jeong-yun Choi, Hye-young Cho
taken from: http://www.hkflix.com/xq/asp/filmID.1710/qx/details.htm
why does ha ji-won has to be a ghost i duno, she loooks so sweet then her ghost face really like ghost face loh, the make up become so black n white like gothic like that... this is one of the rare shows where the ghost actually has her way in the end, usually the humans always win...
3 out of 5 snoopys
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