Title: Into the Mirror
Film Director(s): Kim Seong-Ho
Released: 2003 [Korea]
Genre: Horror
Sub-Genre: Thriller
Dreampia Department Store is preparing to re-open after being closed for a year due to a mysterious fire. Inside the store, a series of horrific serial murders are discovered. Late at night, an employee in the planning department, Choi Mi-Jeong, is found in the restroom, having slit her throat with a pizza cutter. Afterwards, Section Chief Kim from the General Affairs department dies alone at night in the elevator with a ball point pen thrust into his ear canal. The only commonalities in the cases are their location in front of mirrors, and the severe shock which helped to bring about their deaths.
Yu Ji-Tae, Kim Hye-Na, Kim Myeong-Min, Gi Ju-Bong, Kim Myeong-Su, Lee Yeong-Jin, Jeong Eun-Pyo, Oh Seong-Se, Park Hyeong-Jae, Gi Guk-Seo. . .
taken from: http://www.hkflix.com/xq/asp/filmID.531180/qx/details.htm
somehow this show manage to give me the creeps... even though its a bit illogical... but if u stare at the mirror long enough, you do think that the person in the mirror is not you...
4 out of 5 snoopys
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