Title: Enter The Phoenix
Film Director(s): Stephen Fung Tak-Lun
Film Producer(s): Willie Chan (Chi Keung), Solon So Chi-Hung
Action Director(s): Ma Yuk Sing
Released: 2004 [Hong Kong]
Genre: Drama
Sub-Genre: Crime
Georgie Hung (Daniel Wu) is handsome, stylish, and charming, but he hides a secret that his old fashioned father, Hung (who is a triad leader), can never forgive: he has been sent to Thailand since he was a child and never returned. After Hung's death, his right-hand Cheung intends to bring back Georgie to take over. However, Cheung finds Sam (Eason Chen), Georgie's flat-mate, whom he mistakes for Georgie. Because of this mistaken identity, Sam becomes a triad leader and Georgie becomes his right-hand. On their return, their rival, Chow (Stephen Fung), learns Georgie's secret and reveals it to the rest of the triad, hoping to become Godfather himself...
Daniel Wu Yin-Cho, Karen Mok Man-Wai, Chapman To Man-Chat, Law Kar-Ying, Stephen Fung Tak-Lun, Michael Chan (Wai Man), Yuen Biao, Hayama Go (Hiro), Nicholas Tse (Ting Fung), Sam Lee Chan-Sam, Glen Chin, Maggie Lau, Joey Wong, Eason Chan, Jackie Chan. . .
daniel really does have the looks of a typical gay guy eh...
3 out of 5 snoopys
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