Title: Cruel Intentions 2 (2000)
Director: Roger Kumble
This takes place several years before the malicious movie (starring Sarah Michelle Gellar), back to when Kathryn first meets Sebastian, their sexual attraction to each other and their enjoyment in destroying the lives of their peers.
Cast overview, first billed only:
Robin Dunne .... Sebastian Valmont
Sarah Thompson .... Danielle Sherman
Keri Lynn Pratt .... Cherie Claymon
Amy Adams .... Kathryn Merteuil
Barry Flatman .... Headmaster Sherman
Mimi Rogers .... Tiffany Merteuil
taken from: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0196267/
i not sure whether it is really a prequel or wat... it seems more of a alternate remake version of it... becos some of the incidents are almost the same as original cruel intentions... if u dun care about prequel or not, u would enjoy this movie like i did... becos while i thought it is going to be the same ending as the first one where the stepsister lose the war, this time she wins it...
3 ouit of 5 snoopys
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