Title: Resident Evil (2002)
Director:Paul W.S. Anderson
Genre: Action / Thriller / Horror / Sci-Fi
A Virus has scaped in a secret facility called "The Hive" turning all researchers into hungry zombies and releasing their mutated Lab "Animals" that they were studying. The Government sends in an elite military task force lead by Alice (Jovovich) and Rain (Rodriguez) to contain the virus in three hours before it escapes and infects the rest of the world. But all their training couldn't have prepared them for what they were going to encounter...
Cast overview, first billed only:
Milla Jovovich .... Alice
Michelle Rodriguez .... Rain Ocampo
Eric Mabius .... Matt Addison
James Purefoy .... Spence Parks
Martin Crewes .... Chad Kaplan
Colin Salmon .... One
taken from: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120804/
i duno why would ppl say this sucks, at least its better than 28 days later in my opinion... definitely better than versus oso loh...
3 out of 5 snoopys
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