Title: Satorare-Tribute to a Sad Genius (aka: Transparent) (2001)
Starring: Masanobu Ando, Kyoka Suzuki, Rina Uchiyama
Director: Katsuyuki Motohiro
Studio: Pop & In Entertainment
Rating: R
Genre: Drama
Following up on the wild box-office success of his Odoru Daisosasen: The Movie, Katsuyuki Motohiro directs this offbeat drama about one very unusual lad. Born with both an I.Q. of 195 and a freakish and uncontrollable ability to project his innermost thoughts to everyone in the vicinity, Kenichi Satomi (Masanobu Ando) is only one of seven members of a very small circle called "the satorare" -- the understood. The Japanese government garners for these gifted individuals the sort of luxurious and isolated lives usually reserved for royalty. Though he graduated from medical school with the highest board score ever recorded, Satomi lives cocooned and away from normal interaction. One day, a psychiatrist named Yoko Komatsu (Kyoka Suzuki) is assigned to examine this rare example of humanity. Yoko quickly learns that not only is Satomi very lonely, but he is in love with her. On her end, she longs to return the love, struggling to find a meaningful -- and private -- means of doing so.
taken from: http://www.dvdasian.com/cgi-bin/dvdasian/12691.html?id=sTWgDHjB
a bit too draggy for my liking but watchable...
3 out of 5 snoopys
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