Title: Doggy Poo
Released: 2003 [Korea]
Genre: Animation
Sub-Genre: Comedy
Once upon a time, a little doggy poo lived on the side of a road. He felt all alone in the world. He believed that nobody needed him for anything, and that he had no purpose in life. If only Doggy Poo had a reason for being, then he wouldn't give up on his dream to be useful to the world.
One day, Doggy Poo meets a lovely dandelion sprout. Will she explain his purpose in life? Will she help make his dream come true?
taken from: http://www.hkflix.com/xq/asp/filmID.530143/qx/details.htm
this show is really strictly for kids... maybe recommended for people who think they are useless throughout their lifetime, watch liao should feel better ba... interesting to see someone actually do something based on dog shit... for the first time shit actually gets all the attention... i thought the plant hug the shit like kinda er xin leh... lol
2 1/2 out of 5 snoopys
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