Title: Shinjuku Triad Society
Film Director(s): Takashi Miike
Film Producer(s): Tetsuya Ikeda, Toshiki Kimura, Ken Takeuchi, Tsutomu Tsuchikawa
Released: 1995 [Japan]
Genre: Crime
Sub-Genre: Action/Adventure
The first of three films, linked by theme rather than by character or story, which form Takashi Miike's critically acclaimed "Triad Society Trilogy" (followed by "Rainy Dog" and "Ley Lines"), "Shinjuku Triad Society" charts the bloody gangland battle for control over Tokyo's seedy Shinjuku district.
When the Dragon's Claw gang from Taiwan attempts a take-over of the dope, extortion, and gay prostitution rackets run by the ruling Japanese yakuza, a lone cop predicts carnage. In a crusade against the gangs, the cop single-handedly attempts to stem the growing tide of violence. But, when he discovers that his younger brother is in fact the lover of one of the gang-leaders, chaos ensues.
Containing all of the trademarks of Japan's number one maverick filmmaker, "Shinjuku Triad Society" is a ferocious cocktail of twisted action, perverse humor, and stylish violence that will blow you away.
Takeshi Caesar, Kyosuke Izutsu, Ren Osugi, Kippei Shiina, Tomorowo Taguchi, Airi Yanagi. . .
taken from: http://www.hkflix.com/xq/asp/filmID.528966/qx/details.htm
SI GAY!!!!!!
3 out of 5 snoopys
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