Title: Ley Lines
Film Director(s): Takashi Miike
Film Producer(s): Tsutomu Tsuchikawa
Released: 1999 [Japan]
Genre: Crime
Sub-Genre: Action/Adventure
The final part of Miike Takashi's critically acclaimed Triad Society Trilogy (The Shinjuku Triad Society, Rainy Dog and Ley Lines) turns its focus on the rising infiltration of Chinese gangsters into the Japanese underworld.
Bored with life in their rural Japanese village, three boys of Chinese descent decide to head for the bright lights of Tokyo in search of excitement and adventure. Soon, however, they find themselves caught up in in Toyko's infamous Shinjuku district. Here, debauchery, drugs and violence form the basis of their daily reality. And before long they find their lives in grave danger, as the local crimelord wants to see them all dead...
This brutal exploration of Japan's criminal fraternity displays Miike Takashi's celebrated flare for kinetic action and stylish innovation, and should not to be missed by any fan of his work!
Sho Aikawa, Samuel Pop Aning, Yukie Itou, Michisuke Kashiwaya, Kazuki Kitamura, Dan Li. . .
taken from: http://www.hkflix.com/xq/asp/filmID.529889/qx/details.htm
the guy already half dead liao still got erection, his friend go and pay the prostitue to give the ai si ai si guy blowjob to give him power power... lol really end up he managed to survive... and they call it the good luck pussy...
3 out of 5 snoopys
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