Title: New Police Story
Film Director(s): Benny Chan (Muk Sing)
Film Producer(s): Willie Chan (Chi Keung), Solon So Chi-Hung, Benny Chan (Muk Sing), Barbie Tung (Wan Si)
Released: 2004 [Hong Kong]
Genre: Action/Adventure
Sub-Genre: Martial Arts
Wing (Jackie Chan) is the Hong Kong police's resident supercop. He's the best of the best, cracking every case he handles in record time.
Fung (Nicholas Tse) is a rebel without a pause, a typically disaffected but street-smart Hong Kong youth who wastes his life in videogame arcades. Talk is cheap, and no one talks cheaper than Fung.
Due to his family's criminal background, it seems that Fung can never become a police officer, and follow in the footsteps of Wing, his all-time idol.
Finally, Fung gets the chance to realise his goal of becoming a detective. He tricks Wing into joining force with him on the trail of a truly vicious band of foes: The Gang Of Five!
Jackie Chan, Nicholas Tse (Ting Fung), Charlie Yeung Choi-Nei (Charlie Young), Charlene Choi Cheuk-Yin, Daniel Wu Yin-Cho, Wang Chieh, Andy On Chi-Kit, Terence Yin Chi-Wai, Coco Chiang Yi, Hayama Go, Liu Kai Chi, Yu Rong Guang, Deep Ng, Zac Koo (Hau Zheng). . .
typical jackie chan action movie which should be watched becos of what else, his unbelievable stunts...
3 1/2 out of 5 snoopys
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