Title: Thir13en Ghosts (2001)
Director: Steve Beck
Genre: Horror / Thriller
Arthur and his two children, Kathy and Bobby, inherit a glass house where a group of angry ghosts have been locked away by his late uncle. When the family, accompanied by Bobby's Nanny and an attorney journey to the house they get more then they bargained for when the house traps them inside and the ghosts are set free. Aided by Dennis, a ghost hunter, and his rival Kalina, a ghost rights activist out to set the ghosts free, the group must do what they can to get out of the house alive.
Cast overview, first billed only:
Tony Shalhoub .... Arthur Kriticos
Embeth Davidtz .... Kalina Oretzia
Matthew Lillard .... Dennis Rafkin
Shannon Elizabeth .... Kathy Kriticos
Alec Roberts .... Robert 'Bobby' Kriticos
JR Bourne .... Benjamin Moss
Rah Digga .... Maggie Bess
F. Murray Abraham .... Cyrus Kriticos
taken from: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0245674/
not enough screen time for all the ghosts make it seem a little boring... never go into details like how all the ghosts earn their reputation, only concentrated on a few nia...
2 out of 5 snoopys
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