Title: White Valentine
Film Director(s): Yang Yun-Ho
Film Producer(s): Kim Yong-Kuk
Released: 1999 [Korea]
Genre: Drama
Sub-Genre: Romance
A girl named Jung-min writes to a young man named Hyun-jun, who is serving in the army. She lies about her age and claims to be a teacher. As this young lady turns twenty, a 30-year-old man, who has eyes filled with sadness moves into her village. Every night, he sends letters through a pigeon to a deceased woman he loved dearly. He sends them high up in the sky, knowing that he will never get a reply. Then one day, like magic, he receives a letter. The letters sent through pigeons reveal someone's loneliness and sadness. And the two people meet each other by sheer chance...
Park Sin-Yang, Jeon Ji-Hyeon, Jeon Mu-Song, Kim Se-Jun, Kim Young-Ok, Yang Dong-Keun, Kang Jin-Wu, Jang Myeong-Cheol, Park Mi-Rae
see jeon ji hyeon in her debut movie and u know why she was chosen for my sassy girl... the story abit machiam like love letter like that but nice la the show...
3 1/2 out of 5 snoopys